Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year


North Park High School



August 10, 2020


Dear NPHS Parents and Students:


Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!  We hope this letter finds you and your family members safe and well.  Soon it will be Monday, August 17, 2020, the first day of school, and we will begin a new academic year at North Park HS.  The faculty and staff are eager and honored to serve the fine students and families of North Park High School.  We are looking forward to a great school year.


Due to the increase spread of the COVID-19 virus, Baldwin Park Unified schools will begin the school year with Distance Learning.  All instruction will be conducted online as directed by the Los Angeles County Department of Education and the Los Angeles County Health Department.  If and when the number of COVID cases decreases to a safe level, the BPUSD in conjunction with the LA County Departments of Education and Health, will begin phase 2 of reopening and introduce blended hybrid learning with reduced number of students on campus.  We want to ensure the safety of all!  Please wear a mask and practice social distancing on campus.  Please stay home if you are sick and experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and fever or chills and if you have had contact with a person known to be infected with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.  Thank you for your cooperation.


The school registration process has been taking place online.   In previous school years, families would pick up a registration packet, complete the enrollment forms at home, and return the completed packet to Ms. Rios at North Park HS.   For the 2020-2021 school year, parents will access and complete the registration forms digitally through the Illuminate Parent Portal.  Parents will need to visit the Illuminate platform to create an Illuminate Parent Portal username and password.  Once your Parent Portal is set-up, you will be able to log onto Illuminate, access and complete all registration documents.  Please visit the North Park HS Website, https://nphs.bpusd.net and find the “Online Registration” tab.  The registration tab will have step by step instructions that will guide you through the process: (4 step process - create the parent portal password, complete all registration documents, reading the Student Handbook and other NPHS documents, and answer a one question survey).   The deadline to complete registration is Thursday, August 13th.  Please make sure all forms are completed to ensure a great start of the school year.


North Park High School is dedicated to the success of all students.  We recognize the challenges of the 21st Century, and together we will meet those challenges as a school community.  Of course, it continues to be very important that parents and students help in maintaining a safe and scholarly learning environment at North Park High School: 1) Be punctual to every class, 2) Wear dress-code appropriate clothing each day, and 3) Come prepared to learn. 


North Park High School has much to offer our students:  Faculty members meet regularly to develop rigorous and relevant lessons that meet the challenges of the Common Core Standards and provide 21st Century skills.   The success of our students pivots on their ability to think critically, communicate effectively, collaborate creatively, and develop a strong work ethic.  NPHS has developed College and Career Pathways: Auto Mechanic Technology, and Child Development.  Each College and Career Pathways provides articulated curriculum for students to explore their post-secondary opportunities and interests.   


Our faculty and staff are working diligently to develop structures and practices that will ensure academic success for all students.  NPHS will be communicating important school information via Connect Ed phone messages, email, and the NPHS website: https://nphs.bpusd.net.  Please check your phone messages and emails frequently for important school information.  Students should use their BPUSD email account when checking for school messages and communicating with NPHS staff members.  Parents should use the personal email they submitted during the registration process to check for school messages and communicating with NPHS staff.  Parents can get assistance creating a personal email account by contact NPHS and speak with a helpful staff member.


Please review and follow the directs regarding Chromebook technology distribution and class instructional schedules for the Fall trimester.  You can find this information on the latter pages of this letter.  More information will be communicated soon regarding: the distribution of individual student class schedules, invitations to specific teacher’s Google Classrooms, invitations to parent information meetings, and access to counselors.


We are looking forward to working closely with our parents and students in anticipation of successful school year.  Thank you for your time.




Anthony Ippolito, Principal

North Park High School


North Park High School



10 de Agosto del 2020


Estimados Padres y Estudiantes de North Park:


Bienvenidos al año escolar del 2020-2021! Esperamos que esta carta los entre con bien.  Pronto sera Lunes, Agosto 17, 2019, el primer dia de clases, y comensaremos un nuevo año academico en la preparatoria de North Park. Nuesta facultad y personal estan ansiosos en servirle a los estudiantes y familias de nuestra preparatoria. Esperamos otro gran año en North Park.


Debido al aumento de la propagacion del virus Covid-19, el Distrito unificado de Baldwin Park comenzara el año escolar con aprendizaje a distancia. Toda instruction sera conducida en linea como indica el Departamento de Educacion y de Salud del Condado de Los Angeles. Cuando el numero de casos disminuya a un nivel que estemos seguros, el Distrito de Baldwin Park en conjunto con el Departamento de Educacion y Salud comenzaran con fase 2 de abertura y introduciran aprendizaje hibrido combinado con un numero reducido de estudiantes en la instalaciones de North Park. Queremos asegurar la seguridad de todos! Porfavor use cobertura/mascara y practique distanciamiento social cuando entre a nuestras instalaciones. Porfavor de quedarse en casa si se siente enfermo/a y siente cualquiera de lo sigientes sintomas: toz, dificultad al respirar, fibre, escalofrios o si a tenido contacto con alguien que ha sido infectado con Covid 19 en los ultimos 14 dias. Gracias por su cooperacion.


El proceso de registracion escolar se llevara a cabo en linea. Los años pasados, las familias recogian el paquete de registracion, completaban estas formas en casa, y regresaban el paquete completo a la Sra. Rios. Para el año escolar 2020-2021, los padres tendran aceso a las formas digitales por medio del programa illuminate- el perfil de padres.  Los padres tendran que visitar la plataforma de illuminate y crear un perfil con un nombre de usuario y una contra seña. Ya que haiga creado su perfil podra entrar a la plataforma y tendra aceso a completer todas las formas de registracion. Porfavor de visitar el sitio de North Park nphs.bpusd.net y encuentre la pestaña de “registro en linea”, la pestaa de registro tendra instructions para guiarlo paso por paso: ( proceso de cuatro pasos; crear un perfil en la plataforma de padres en illuminate, completar los documentos , leer el manual estudiantil y otros documentos, finalmente completar un cuestionario). El ultimo dia de completer esta registracion el el jueves, 13 de Agosto. Porfavor de asegurarse que todas la formas esten completas y asi asegurar un buen comienzo al año escolar.


La Escuela North Park esta dedicada al exito de todos los estdiantes. Nosotros reconocemos los desfios del siglo 21, y juntos venceremos esos desafios como comunidad escolar. Claro, sigue siendo muy importante que los padres y estudiantes ayuden en mantener un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro y erudito en la preparatoria: 1) ser puntal a clases diariamente, 2) usar ropa appropiada que concuerde con el codigo de vestimenta diariamente, y 3) estar preparado para aprender.


La preparatoria de North Park tiene mucho que ofrecer a nuestros estudiantes: La Facultad se junta regularmente para desarollar lecciones relevantes y rigorosas que concuerden con los retos de los estandares del common core y prover habilidades para el siglo 21. El exito de nuestros estudiantes estan basados en las habilidades de pensar criticamente, communication effectiva, colaboración creativa, y desaroyar una fuerte ética de trabajo. NPHS a desaroyado College and Career Pathways: Administración de Justicia, Tecnologia Mecanica, y Desarollo Infantil. Cada College and Career Pathways prové un curiculo articulado a los estudiantes para explorar oportunidades y interests post-secundarios.


Nuestra facultad y personal estan trabajando diligentemente desarollando estructuras y practicas para asegurar el exito academic de todos los estudiantes. Nuestra escuela North Park estara comunicando informacion importante sobre la escuela usando Connect Ed mandando mensajes por telefono, correo electronico, y en nuestro citio de internet: https://nphs.bpusd.net. Porfavor de revisar sus mensajes frecuentemente para mensajes importantes de la escuela. Los estudiantes deben usar su correo electonico de BPUSD cuando revisen sus mensajes y desean comunicarse con el personal de la escuela. Los padres deben usar el mismo correo electronico que usaron para registrar al estudiante cuando desean comunicarse con el personal de la escuela o esperen communication de North Park. Padres pueden recibir ayuda para crear una cuenta al contactar a la escuela y hablar con un miembro de la escuela, con gusto les ayudaremos.


Porfavor revise y siga la directriz de la distribucion de computadoras y horarios de instruction para el Trimeste de Otoño. Usted puede encontrar mas informacion sobre la distribution de computadoras, classes individualed de cada estudiante, invitaciones de maestros a las clases en linea “google classrooms”, invitations a juntas informativas de padres, y aceso a las consejeras .

Esperamos trabajar de cerca con los padres y estudiantes en anticipación de otro año escolar exitoso. Gracias por su tiempo y nos miraremos muy pronto.




Anthony Ippolito, Director

North Park High




Green = Synchronous Learning – Online live with teacher

Yellow = Asynchronous Learning – Independent Assignments & Practice

Blue = Teacher Office Hours & Student Asynchronous Learning


For Fall 2020, the middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools will convert to a Quarter System, this means North Park HS students will take only four courses for approximately six weeks each. This model will allow students to focus on fewer content areas at one time. It will also ensure students have daily instructional time for all four classes, rather than block scheduling on alternating days.


First Trimester (Fall)

Quarter 1

Quarter 2



1st Period

5th Period

2nd Period

6th Period

3rd Period

7th Period

4th Period

8th Period


Daily Class Schedules:




8:00 – 9:45

(105 minutes)

Asynchronous Learning

(independent assignments & practice)


(15 minutes)



(60 minutes)

SEL Section (60 minutes)

“Connection Section”

Non-Core Subjects

Synchronous Instruction


(60 minutes)

Asynchronous Learning

(independent assignments & practice)


Office Hours

(online live with teacher)

Teachers will be available for any student or parent to log-on for assistance and support


(45 minutes)


12:45 – 2:45

(120 minutes)

Asynchronous Learning

(independent assignments & practice)





Monday & Tuesday

Thursday & Friday


(65 minutes)

1st Period

Synchronous Instruction (online live with teacher)


(10 minutes)



(30 minutes)


Synchronous Instruction (online live with teacher)


(10 minutes)



(65 minutes)

2nd Period

Synchronous Instruction (online live with teacher)


(10 minutes)



(65 minutes)

3rd Period

Synchronous Instruction (online live with teacher)


(40 minutes



(65 minutes)

4th Period

Synchronous Instruction (online live with teacher)


(30 minutes)


Synchronous Instruction (online live with teacher)



































North Park HS Distribution of Chromebooks/Hotspots for the 2020-2021 School Year


NPHS will start out the school year with distance learning.  Make sure to get a Chromebook and/or Hotspot!


The Baldwin Park Unified School District is providing every student with a device for distance learning. 



NPHS will provide 3 distribution dates with a specific schedule organized alphabetically:


Tuesday August 11, 2020 – 8:30am to 4pm

Wednesday August 12, 2020-  8:30am to 4pm

Thursday August 13, 2020- 8:30am to 4pm


Chromebook/Hotspot Distribution Schedule at NPHS

Alphabetical Groups by Last Name

Time Window to Pick-Up Chromebook/Hotspot

A - C

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

D - G

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

H - L

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

M - Q

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

R - Z

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM



The Chromebook/Hotspot pickup process goes as follows:

  • Enter the campus from the front gate (look for entrance sign)


  • You will be directed to the MPR


   3) Complete the following technology agreement documents:

  1. a) Student-Parent Device Agreement
  2. b) Student Acceptable Use Agreement
  3.                c) Parent Video Conferencing Acknowledgement

                          Documents are available on the North Park HS Website: nphs.bpusd.net


    4) You will then be asked to walk around the building to pick up device and exit through a different gate


We want to ensure the safety of all! 


Please wear a mask and practice social distancing on campus. 


Please stay home if you are sick and experiencing any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and fever or chills and if you have had contact with a person known to be infected with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.  Thank you for your cooperation.