High School Students Dive Into Nextgen Youth Workforce Program Students from Baldwin Park, North Park, and Sierra Vista high schools participated in a field trip to the launch of the 2024 Nextgen Youth Workforce Program on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.
Important Message Regarding Social Media Safety Message from Superintendent Mendoza Regarding Social Media Safety on March 27, 2024
California Healthy Kids Parent Survey Parents-please click on "read full story" for more information and to participate.
Graduation Information Important information about both In-Person and Drive-Thru Ceremonies.Información de GraduaciónInformación importante sobre la Graduación en Persona y Graduación en Vehículo
Return to Campus Parent Survey Please take the time to fill out the survey to gather input on your instructional preference for the remainder of the school year. Click on "Read Full Story" for the link.
Padres de North Park High School, están invitados a la siguiente presentación: TEMA: Salud mental y falsas creenciasFECHA: Miércoles 3/24/2021HORARIO: 1:30PM